northwest health district alert:

If you’ve reached our website looking for information on STD testing or HIV prevention, please either click on “COUNTIES” or a specific county (e.g., Bartow) for contact information for that health department, then call for a confidential discussion of your needs. Thank you. Read More

Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (formerly UNHSI)

If You Have A Family History Of Hearing Loss, Your Baby Should Be Tested Every Year


A hearing screening can usually show that your baby has normal hearing at the time of the screening. However, the ability to hear can be lost or damaged at any age. Ear infections and high fevers are just some of the things that can cause hearing loss.

If you do not have a doctor, you can call your local health department or the Powerline for a referral at: (800) 822-2539 or (404) 451-5501.

The Georgia Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Program (EHDI) is a collaborative effort of the Division of Public Health, audiologists, physicians, hospitals, legislators, and parents. If you ever have concerns about your child’s hearing, speech, or language, be sure to discuss them with your child’s doctor.

Hearing Milestones

At around two months of age:

  • Startle to loud sound
  • Quiet to familiar voice
  • Make vowel sounds like ohh, ahh

At around four months of age:

  • Look for sounds with eyes
  • Start babbling
  • Use a variety of voice sounds, such as squeals, whimpers, chuckles

At around six months of age:

  • Turn head toward sound Begin to imitate speech sounds,
  • Babble (ba-ba, ma-ma, da-da)

At around nine months of age:

  • Imitate speech sounds of others
  • Understand no-no or bye-bye
  • Turn head toward soft sounds

At around twelve months of age:

Additional Resources:
Universal Newborn Hearing Screening Brochure
EHDI District Coordinators